New Features January-February 2016 Features for Users Facebook Login It's never been easier to create an account with CompuSport. You can now use your Facebook login to sign up. Players will be able to add tournaments and leagues to their favorites, get notifications, etc. Easy ScoreKeeper sign ups. It is a one click access to your account. Team Rosters Anyone can access tournament results by clicking on a tournament and selecting Get results and brackets by divisions. Awards for players and teams is available. You can now see team rosters when checking out awards. Features for Managers/Operators Copying Events You are having your 5th annual tournament!?!?! It's basically the same as last year!?!?! Let's save your some TIME. Managers can create events by copying past event information. Locations, Divisions, Brackets, Publicities, etc. can be copied from last year. Go to Manage, Event, Create my Event, Choose a past event, Copy it, Change the ...